Data & AI Advisor and Strategy Designer

As a seasoned AI leader I help businesses in various ways. Think of me as an experienced data & AI lead who knows first hand the challenges that come with establishing new technologies in an organization. I’m a data & AI coach, a strategy designer and interim executive.


About Me

I’m an AI Entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in AI and data. I bring a blend of business insights and technical expertise to the table. My background is technical (with a PhD in machine learning) but after 13 years in business I am at home in both worlds - tech & business. This means that I speak both commercial and technical languages and can translate between them. Added to that I also speak English, German and French and have worked across multiple cultures and countries.


What I Can Do For You

  • Coach for Data & AI Teams

    I can take the role of an external sparring partner - advising, challenging and supporting your data & AI teams. This includes assessment of tech stack, algorithm selection, experiment setup and work packages.

    Depending on your need this can be on a one-off basis or a regular contract (e.g. 2-4 hours a week).

  • Use Case Evaluation

    One thing is always true when it comes to data & AI: there are more great ideas than people available to build them. I can take part in your conceptualization and prioritization phase of projects and help by structuring and providing a basis for priorization. In general this would be 2-3 workshops in the beginning followed by one meeting per month for six months, or tailored to the organization’s needs.

  • Build your Data & AI Strategy

    We live in a world in which many companies without a solid AI/data strategy will not retain their competitive edge. Building this strategy affects the whole organization but it can be difficult to know how to get it right. I can help you to design and build that strategy tailored to the size and skillset of your team.

  • Data & AI Coaching for Leaders

    It is increasingly apparent that all senior executives are required to have some level of understanding of data and AI, regardless of their role. Leaders in finance, human resources and marketing are expected to transform their organizations to be more data-driven and to make good choices when allocating resources.

    I act as a sparring partner for leaders in diverse industries who have time-critical projects to deliver - whether it is an AI crash course or roadtesting their ideas before implementation.

  • Build a Data Science Team

    Many organizations are faced with having to build a data team from scratch or rapidly expand one because of new projects. Along with having an important fit with cultural values of the organizations, it is also important having the right technical skills, both for current and future projects. This can be challenging.

    I have successfully built data teams for the last 10 years and have worked alongside HR leaders and experts. Projects included defining career paths, learning programs and future skills assessments for tech roles.

    I can consult when you are recruiting to assess job specifications, review CVs, plan and conduct technical/coding interviews.

  • Interim Executive Roles

    Sometimes an executive position, for example CTO, Chief Data Scientist or Head of Department, needs to be filled for a period of time - whether this is due to sickness, sabbaticals, part-time work or delays in getting the right candidate. These are roles I have worked in for many years in startups, SMEs and corporates, with an understanding of diverse industries and cultures.

    Along with the technical and people management skills necessary for these roles, I also have experience reporting directly to board members. I can bridge this gap in the short-term, giving you the reassurance that work will continue. This allows you to take the time you need to put the right solution in place.

Selected References

My Talks & Publications

Access my talks, patents, journal and conference publications on this subpage